Sprint To The Finish.

My last blog started with me in despair over #ProjectTractor. I’d rebuilt the engine and was failing to get it running. One job in a seemingly endless list, but a biggie. Then, as I was blogging, I realised the new coil for the ignition module has the spark plug leads connecting from the opposite terminals to the cylinders. Right terminal is now front cylinder. I was wildly optimistic that would solve that particular problem. The following morning I cut a new spark plug lead to reach to the front cylinder and tried again.

I had a bunch of false starts and mistakes. I left it in gear, then I realised I’d only connected one spark plug cap, I left the inspection cover off when I started it, I forgot and let the loose ignition switch short out on the engine. Stupid, stupid things. Anyway, the first morning I got it running on Easy Start (and one cylinder, I later found out) and I was ecstatic. The next morning I put the tank back on and tried starting it with just the carb. It ran fine. Since then I’ve been running it for 30 seconds at a time in bursts, around work, to start the running in process. Now I’m going a bit longer each time.

I’ve ordered a clutch upgrade kit, a clutch cable, a new gasket (that one is leaking) and more oil. That should all be arriving tomorrow. While I was at it I’ve ordered some better indicators, a 10mm drill bit (to drill out the rear mudguard a tad for the indicators) a low resistance torque wrench (one that is accurate from 5- 25nm, my main one is really only good over 20 nm) and some better locktite.

I’ll keep running the engine in for longer periods, then if everything arrives as it’s supposed to, over the weekend I’ll fit my new clutch, cable, and gasket, and torque it down accurately. Pop my horn back on and run a wire to a good ground. Take the back wheel off, take off the rear indicators, drill the mudguard and refit the indicators (or the new ones if they arrive) properly, and pull the excess wire through so it’s all neat under the mudguard. Then just refit the wheel, tighten down all the nuts and bolts, refit the seat and adjust the headlight aim.

That’s it. Job done.

The point is, at the start of my last blog post I was struggling to get over one more hurdle. Now it seems the work is as good as done. It was a never never project, now it’s in for an MOT on Monday!

With a bit of luck my next post I will be ready to ride it to work.

It’s kind of crazy. I’m still waiting for the other shoe to drop. But if I’m riding to work next week… Wow.