Author: Buck

  • Mission Accomplished!

    How often do you get presented with a serious problem and have the means to quickly and simply fix it? Never. It just doesn’t happen in my experience. It’s always a process. A series of token gestures. Often as not a well intentioned disaster. I was presented with the problem of Nathan (my nephew), stuck…

  • Borderline Personality Disorder.

    I watched a clip via Twitter last night and they mentioned Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), which reminded me of my army days. I got sent to the shrink due to issues and a panel of them interrogated me. They sent me back to my regiment with a letter for my army doctor. The doctor’s was…

  • A Series Of Unfortunate Events.

    It’s been eventful. I said last time that my black bike had blown over. A horrifying picture to be sent when you are 5 hours away. At first I didn’t believe it was the wind, thought it was the kids messing about. But for some reason our house gets the wind howling across the front.…

  • Funny, not haha.

    I got a really shitty cold, back in March, since then I’ve lost a lot of my taste. I used to love cream, now it is meh. I can sort of taste it, but mostly meh. I warned Wendy off a cream cake the other day saying it tasted like cardboard. She ate one anyway,…

  • More of the same.

    I’m still in a transitional phase. Work is long hours so good money, but it’s killing everything else. I had an upbeat day a few days ago when I decided to get back to my running and sax, but I’ve not, yet. The only thing I’m keeping up at the moment is my painfully slow…