Author: Buck
Grip got.
It’s been a hell of a week. Operation #10milesaday has been a killer. It’s shocking how quickly you can go from ‘can I run a fast 20 miles?’ to ‘can I complete 10?’ My first ‘run’ was painful and slow, the second with my GPS watch merely quantified *how* slow by the third I’d buggered…
Getting a grip.
The times they are a changing. Had Wendy’s parents over for 10 days, stopping with us, for Wendy’s niece’s wedding. While I was working nights. And they are deaf. You can imagine how much fun that was. Added to the usual quotient of their god-squad bigotry. *in with calm* Anyway, got to grin and bear…
Nothing to see here.
Really. Basically this is to update you on Twitter. Work has suddenly turned around. After me bitching it was a great job but not enough hours suddenly last week I was blitzed. I got 6 shifts and 58 hours pay. This job is definitely a keeper. It’s only 4 weeks until I’m on pay parity…
Count no chickens.
After me going on about how much money I was going to be on and how this could be my job for life it’s all gone a bit Pete Tong. The shifts are too short. You’re lucky to get a 9 hour shift (paid, plus 45 minutes break) as a driver you expect at least…
I ain’t nothing but tired.
Bruce Springsteen quote there, in case you were wondering. Sadly it’s very apt. That is all I am. I had one day where I slept well during the day and I thought I’d started to adjust, but no. It’s 4 hours sleep, then wake up, sleep, wake up. I’m getting between 5½- 7 hours a…