Author: Buck

  • Adventures in trucking.



    After the wag-n-drag fiasco I was quite relieved to get a nice easy job for my second outing. Trunking an artic down to Chelmsford, trailer swap and drive back. How hard can that be? They wanted me at the Wigan depot for 7.30am. Then they rang back and said make it 9, as they wouldn’t…

  • Buck the Truck.



    I have recently joined two driving agencies. Now that I have wasted two years of my life they can insure me, or blag their customers that I’ve been driving for two years, or some such. Whatever the detail, now I’ve held my license for two years suddenly two agencies have taken me on their books.…

  • Sublime letter and reply.



    I have been spending my last day off wisely reading through the works of the master, Alan Moore. In particular ‘The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen’ (a wonderful collage of  fin-de-siecle fictional characters) whence upon I perused this missive and reply;   Dear Sirs- Having lately lost my husband in a tragic firearms accident, I have…

  • Outlaw 2011



    Last post on this, promise. And I’ll make it brief. I have some images to show for my ordeal. Unfortunately they are not very good. They seem to show me being really slow, and in the case of exiting the swim, totally shell-shocked. Which is mainly because they are accurate.  Damn!   Anyway, here’s a…

  • “We have done the impossible…



    …And that makes us mighty.”   Nine months ago, when I first discovered there was such a thing as an Ironman, I used that quote (from Mel, in Firefly) to express what I thought it would be like to have completed one. Nine months. Didn’t realize it was that quick. To recap the journey; I…