Author: Buck
Just catching up.
First off, let me chronicle the heroic nature of my training, and the heroic fails therein. Swim; I’ve been for one swim since I came back of holiday! One. Count it. I have a lot of reasons why I didn’t swim, but only one actual swim. I’ve had everything from getting lost (obviously) the tide…
Holidays. What I did other than fail.
Cornwall is lovely. I really would like to retire there. Happy association I expect, as it’s where Wendy used to live, and where I spent the first three and a half years when we got back together. About a gazillion years ago. I would like to move there now, never mind retire. That was an…
Fail to prepare…
…Prepare to fail. I should have known it wasn’t as easy as the sum of it’s parts, or that indoors adequacy was equivalent to outdoor competence. I’m talking about my half Ironman distance triathlon, by the way. The reason we booked our week’s holiday in Cornwall. We trotted off down there on the Friday, arrived…
Sports and this and that.
It is but five days until my first real race of the year; my half Ironman distance triathlon. I’m starting to get really nervous now! I’ve been trying to get some practise in my wetsuit doing open water swims. I failed on three consecutive weeks to make it to the Mersey-Tri Salthouse docks swim. Today,…
Ups and downs
The Wednesday before last was the first open water dock swim with Mersey triathlon club. This is what I joined that club for; practise in swimming in a wetsuit. I duly packed all my kit and set off to Liverpool. Need I say that I left it to the last minute? Only to find the…