Author: Buck
Irony. I haz it.
Yes, I know that was an awful title. It’s in the style of those cutesy cat posters with the allegedly heart-warmingly humorous slogans. Search under lolzcats or some such, I’m not going to defile my blog with an example. Now that’s a classy opening; a wandering digression before I’ve even started a topic from…
Road rage
I saw a link to this on Twitter. Obviously my first reaction was one of jaw-dropping disbelief. Then I read a bit about it. It seems some chap was following for two blocks, repeatedly trying to get past the cyclists who ignored him. The cyclists were on some sort of protest/ demonstration about how their…
It’s over.
Finally got the definitive answer today. “No.” It all started after I saw this (Initiatives, second one down) Which, incidentally, was still up in the freezer rest room until a month or so ago. I went through hell to get my licenses.I paid £5,000. I have been bullshitted for 19 months with promises and lies.…