I seized the moment today and set out to try to do a full length ride. To set the scene; my previous longest ride was 56 miles, which I did twice. Both times nearly killed me. They say when you are comfortable with a distance increase it by no more than ten per cent. I laugh in the face of such scientifically proven training methods! As it’s my weekend off (yay!), it was quite warm, sunny and not too windy I went for it. I looked for somewhere ‘there-and-back’ so I would have a definite goal (and no option but to persevere when I was knackered). Morecambe fit the bill. 56 miles, the requisite 112 round trip. I had a few delays, not least of which was sleeping in until ten! On 2-10 shift I’ve been getting up at 6.20 to go swimming. I only managed to do it twice last week (for shame!) but it still knackered me, hence the lie in today. I finished faffing about and got on the road at about 11.35. Loads of cereal bars, nut and raisins and energy gels stashed about my person. To be honest, it wasn’t as bad as I’d been expecting. I was planning on a 7½ hour ride, but by 3 hours 14 I still hadn’t hit my turn off the A6 (I’d missed it, it turns out. Not like me to get lost! *facepalm*) and my arse was in a world of pain. Also I was thinking of it getting dark by the time I got back (I didn’t have lights) so I turned around at the Lancaster university and set off back. All was still going reasonably well (I had to put my coat on, a really cold wind was cutting through my cycling shirt) my arse/ shoulders/ small of back were killing, but my legs were still working. Those energy gels are great. I tried one in the kitchen at home when I first got them. A thick, snotty gel that is awful to try to swallow. I had to squeeze it into my mouth, get a mouthful of water and swallow it like a tablet. After 60 miles on a push bike it goes down like water! Gel, squeeze, gulp. Anyway, my point about them was that I didn’t suffer from an energy crash, where you just flop. You haven’t the energy to stand up, let alone exercise. And then you have to somehow force yourself to carry on for however long it takes. I live in fear of that crash, and didn’t get it! I did, however crash as in fall off my bike. Twice. Bloody cleats! Those fancy toe-clip things that lock your foot to the pedal. They are a bastard to get out of! Also I got a puncture in Preston. I took my time to repair it, seeing as I’d failed in my target (and I thought my speed must have been crap to not have hit my turn off). Twenty […]
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Old things, new ways.
I’m back to plotting my gardening again, this time on an industrial scale. Jo has pointed out an allotment website. A good job too. The first thing I was planning on doing was rotorvating the whole plot. Apparently this is very bad. You chop up all the roots of the nasty bugger weeds and make a dozen of each. Less than great. What one chap on the site advised was to spray the whole area with ‘Roundup’ (a weedkiller that kills the roots so it can’t grow back) wait up to 28 days for the plants to fully wither and die, then rotorvate. Blank slate to start with then. Monty Don was back on Gardeners World last night, a synchronicity that bodes well for my endeavour. I’ve rushed out today and got the weedkiller, also a set of first and second early potatoes and a bag each of red and white onions. They are tichy, but I’ve popped them in trays like Monty said, and hopefully they will have rooted and be ready to plant out in a month when I’ve rotorvated. I’ve also ordered a bunch of seeds online (lettuce, blight resistant tomatoes, leeks, mange tout, cauliflower, broccoli, more onions – bugger, forgot I’d ordered them- cabbage, carrot, rocket, and two kinds of beans). With the seeds I have from last year that should be enough to be getting on with. Plus I have 3 different blueberry bushes, 2 types of apple trees, 2 pear trees, a cherry tree, strawberries, a blackberry and a redberry already growing in the garden that could do with transplanting. I might keep the cherry at the very least, depending on whether it puts on a good bloom this year. I bought the Warrington Guardian this week, to take advantage of all those people who say ‘shed, free, if you take it down and take it away’. Ha! Not one! Tight bastards. Still, I’m in no rush, cant even garden for a month. Also when I produced my gym membership card (to get the discount for the allotment) it turns out they worded the letter wrong. If you are entitled to discounted gym membership (as you are on a qualifying benefit) then you are entitled to discount. ie, not me. That’s one thing. Gardening, but large. As work have screwed me over royally and nobody will give me a sniff at a driving job without experience, I’ve had to contact the army again. I am set for a one day refresher on the 2nd of April and if I can get the time off work, the last part of my basic training will be from the 28th of May. Ho-fecking-hum. Get that done and dusted then it’s the trade training section (conversion to army driving) and I should be ready to play. I’m thinking now that if I just get to my unit and put some hours driving in I will be able to blag the rest in civvy street. “Of course I’ve […]
Continue readingIrony. I haz it.
Yes, I know that was an awful title. It’s in the style of those cutesy cat posters with the allegedly heart-warmingly humorous slogans. Search under lolzcats or some such, I’m not going to defile my blog with an example. Now that’s a classy opening; a wandering digression before I’ve even started a topic from which to stray. I’m tired, leave me alone! To start again; wouldn’t you know it? I am massively overcommitted. I am supposed to be running 6 days a week, cycling most days (commuting to work, plus ‘proper’ rides) and swimming as often as I can get to the pool. Also I’ve gone back to my sax practise after a month or so avoiding it. The longer I left it the harder it got to pick up. Finally got back to it, now I have to keep it up. With work as well it’s difficult to ring-fence a few hours for sleeping! I was doing swimmingly with my running and had made up my fitness and endurance after the treadmill debacle. I ran a poor 20 miles, then three days later a better one, shortly after I ran a fair good one, but hurt my knee a bit. The next day I went out and did a quick (for me) 10 mile run just to keep my hand in. When I woke up the next morning my knee felt the size of a balloon. It wasn’t all that visibly swollen, but it felt it. It took me two weeks to get it well enough to go out for another run. I did an ‘easy’ 10 miles, and buggered it again! I was getting worried as well as pissed off. I can’t afford to miss all this training time. I had a look on the Runners World website and apparently it’s ‘runners knee’. It’s where the knee bones aren’t travelling smoothly in their socket, so they grind the protective cartilage between the bones. Caused by over-pronation (rolling the foot inwards whilst running, which I do and for which I have special trainers) not developing the inner thigh muscles (running develops the hamstrings and such which pull your leg out of shape, the thigh muscles hold it in place. Working on it.) and over training. The training programme said one big run, rest lots of little runs, not big run, rest big run. So it’s ice pack, ibuprofen, rest and thigh exercises. So that’s where I stand. Trying to do 5 hours of swimming when I’m on 2-10, about 6 hours running per week, 6 hours sax and about 20 hours riding. Plus 40 hours work. So where’s the irony? The council have finally offered me an allotment! I’ve been on the waiting list for years. So long I’d kind of forgotten about it. Now, when I don’t have a spare minute where I shouldn’t be doing some training they finally offer it me. As you can see, it need a bit of TLC. It’s not […]
Continue readingRoad rage
I saw a link to this on Twitter. Obviously my first reaction was one of jaw-dropping disbelief. Then I read a bit about it. It seems some chap was following for two blocks, repeatedly trying to get past the cyclists who ignored him. The cyclists were on some sort of protest/ demonstration about how their world view of a cyclist utopia was the only valid one. There are further reports that the driver was trying to get a kid to a hospital, but that sounds too convenient and is only a side issue anyway. The real issue is; was it wrong? Oh sure, the law says the car driver was a bit over zealous, but think about it. I have been dwelling on it overnight. I thought of the two cyclist tootling along side by side, holding me and other traffic up, not giving a fuck until I nearly clipped one and screamed “HOW MUCH ROOM DO YOU FUCKING WANT!”, at them. Then they learned some manners. I thought of the coffin-dodger car drivers who fanny around at 25mph, and how I’d love to smash them off the road. Or the gaggle of women (usually women, though not exclusively) who stand in the middle of the isle at Asda and chat when you are trying to shop. And how you just wish you had an axe so you could cut a bloody swathe through their ignorance. It’s about common courtesy and the barest hint of consideration for others. It’s just good manners. My conclusion therefore, is that crazed car driver is just doing what everyone would like to do. The cyclists wanted direct action and by fuck they got it. I think maybe he is some sort of modern hero. An example to which we can all aspire. You are probably thinking I wouldn’t be saying that if some car driving twat ran me over, and you would be right. Because I would not be sat in the middle of the road deliberately pissing people off, therefore would have done nothing to warrant it. Feel free to disagree or start a ‘psycho car driver for emperor of the planet’ page on Facebook. Later, Buck.
Continue readingIt’s over.
Finally got the definitive answer today. “No.” It all started after I saw this (Initiatives, second one down) Which, incidentally, was still up in the freezer rest room until a month or so ago. I went through hell to get my licenses.I paid £5,000. I have been bullshitted for 19 months with promises and lies. I have been in on my day’s off, unpaid, just to show willing. I went in today, after the latest buck-passing and prevarication, and Claire said “We’ve had the period review, and because of the damage and the cost of the insurance, we can’t let you drive for us without having two years experience.” And that is that. She said as soon as she hears anything else I will be the first to know, but they are not going to say ‘ooh, we’ve not had much damage this quarter, lets get some newbies out there and really run the bill up’. So I can’t drive for them to get experience, and without two years experience I can’t drive for them. *sighs* That’s over then. I’ve already downloaded and printed off an application form for a class II driver. I’ll get that off tomorrow. Also I’ll have to get back in touch with the army, get that ball rolling again. FFS! The tour is back on the table as possibly the only route to experience. Shit. Bit bloody miffed, me. Buck.
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