Category: Life
Finally, 7 years after getting my licenses, I’ve got a real job! Huzzah! It’s working for Wincanton for the Co-op at Lea Green, St Helens. It’s further away than Hermes, but still only 20 minutes in rush hour in a car. Being St Helens it’s the right way down the M62 of a morning. Manchester…
Giant Steps
This is the start of my week off. I’m going to blog my attempts at bike restoration. The engine has had two winters of English rain and salt and is starting to look tatty. First the other things that have been occurring. I’ve just found out that Igloo, the primary agency for Hermes drivers, has…
Back in the saddle.
It’s been a while. I kind of stopped updating this because all I was doing was working and sleeping. However, things are changing. I’ve been back at my running for a month or two and not buggered myself up. I went at it too hard, too fast, as ever and got warning pains in my…
The only thing I knew how to do…
..was to keep on keeping on. To quote Bob Dylan. I’m over my sulk about the bike. There’s always tomorrow. And now I’ve got my new exhaust and I’m back to riding again I love my bike again. One thing I have taken from that Triton, and a professional W650 chop, is to get ‘velocity…
All the same but different.
It’s been a while since I’ve blogged with one thing and another. As usual it was “be careful what you wish for”. I wanted the Hermes job for some fast bucks (as it were) then ended up doing 70+ hour weeks. Two weeks my top line was over a grand. Yet we still owe as…