To paraphrase the DM Reporter, WHITE BLANKET OF DEATH as ten snowflakes fall! We have been reduced to cannibalism and wearing the skins of the fallen. Society has fallen. But at least Twitter is still going. It’s been a hectic week at work and I’ve got some non-specific malaise. I went for a run on Monday morning, all unsuspecting. I did a slow/ steep 6 minutes then put it to 6 m/m / 1%. Usually that has me gritting my teeth by two miles, and a heart rate of about 154 bpm. I was dying within half a mile. I tried to ignore it thinking I was being a lazy lardarse, but I just couldn’t breathe. My bpm was 170+ and rising. (160 is marginally in the red for me.) I managed 8/10ths of a mile then had to slow it right down. I still hadn’t realised there must be something wrong (I was feeling fine before I went in to the gym) so I forced out the rest of the half hour slower but on a steeper incline. Then I tried the bike. I lasted about 8 minutes before quitting. I was wheezing and dying. I quit the gym in disgust. Then, as I was opening the door to the changing room, thought ‘bollocks!’ and went back. I set the treadmill at the fastest/ steepest pre-set programme and forced myself to do another half hour run. It was hellish. It wasn’t until I got home and still couldn’t breathe that I realised something was amiss. I’ve had a couple of days of feeling done-in. Oddly with a day between them feeling fine. Today it feels like I’m breathing through a thick damp cloth. And I just feel tired and useless. I was a bit worried about how I was going to do the Helsby half marathon tomorrow, but I’ve just found out it has been cancelled due to the snow. I was planning on dosing myself up and just doing a slow run. I can’t say I’m disappointed, though. I really am not up to it. Work has been mad busy. Last week I only got two days this week it’s back to five days/ 55 hours. On Thursday I was sat waiting for a specific trailer from 1430 until 1830, then the truck they gave me was knackered so I had to swap, I didn’t leave the yard until 1915. Then I had to drive to Crewe. Some selfish crashy bastards had blocked the M6 because there was a flake of snow so I didn’t get there until 2030, ended up setting off for Cowley (nearly 3 hours drive) at 2100. They want me there for 1830. So not pleased. That was a 14 hour day by the time I got back. An hour commute. Six hours sleep. Which left me with a decadent three whole hours to fritter on making food and showering and such. In a way it’s good, now is definitely the time […]
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Pain. Not in a good way.
Bloody sinuses are playing up again. Totally ruined my weekend. Not that it wasn’t off to a bad start anyway. I had no work until Thursday. Then they rang me up and said they wanted me in at 2100 to do a run to Chester. I thought that was probably bullshit. Why would they call someone in to do a 32 mile run? It was bullshit. *surprised face* I had to run down to some place (still don’t know the town) and follow a hastily drawn map. OK. The starting point for said was to come off the M6 at junction 33A. Fine. I set off in the fog, having no idea where I was going. I got to junction 33, peachy. 34… WHAT? I pulled off at 34 and was driving down the exit slip road when suddenly a bunch of those sharp turn chevrons leapt out of the fog! SHIT! I stood on the brakes and nearly crapped myself. I thought I was going through the barriers. It turned out they’d posted the signs in plenty of time and I was fine. Apart from the heart attack. I pulled up on an industrial estate (you’d be amazed at how few convenient parking spots there are for an artic and trailer) and checked the maps on my ‘phone. There is no junction 33A. Ace. I rang work, they were insistent it was 33A. I worked out it was 31A, primarily as that actually existed. I got to the first drop and the guy said I had to wait while they assembled my order of newspapers. Then I was to do two more drops, no stopping for breaks, on a timed schedule. To places I didn’t know. So ace. I pulled the curtains back on my trailer, got loaded eventually, hopped back in my cab, turned the key…. nothing. The bastard battery had died (it turned out). I rang work, they said “It does that. Give it ten minutes and try again.” If they knew, why wasn’t it sorted? Anyway, due to the timed nature of the drops I had to open my curtains again and they put my load onto someone else’s truck. Then I had to wait for an hour for the recovery geezer to come and give me a jump. No-one wanted to give me a push. Back home and in bed for 0515, back in work for 1400. Bah. At least I was doing ‘my’ usual run on Friday. Crewe, Cowley. Coming back I got to Brum and they’d closed the motorway! Ah! I was cursing them roundly as if I’d have known I could have used the M5 route and joined the M6 after the roadworks. Thanks for letting me know, you bastards! Then I got up to the roadworks and the warning sign was up, it’s just I hadn’t been that way all week so I hadn’t seen it. Oh. Still annoyed. I finally got back to Warrington, off the motorway with just […]
Continue readingMe. Getting shit done!
You know how I’d been putting things off for months, I am on fire with the getting things done! I was as good as my plan and sorted my allotment the very next day. I posted the key and notice of termination the same morning. As well as my Canadian Visa application. This last weekend I spent ages trying to do my self assessment tax return online.First off I had to collect all my old wage payments, distance travelled to work (to claim for petrol) and such. Then I filled in the bits I could, blagged the bits I had no idea about (tax deductions from previous year? Wha..?) and got to the end of the seemingly interminable form. I have a P45 from my last job, that said I’d earned £8k in 6 months and paid £1k or so of it in tax. I worked out my total earnings for the remaining 6 months, about £8.7K, deducted a £1K for petrol (that stuff really adds up! 45p per mile allowance ~petrol, wear and tear, tax, insurance~ times 20+ miles a day, times 121 days, worked out as £1,230!) take off the money for my satnav £355, and ‘phone (£90 for 3 months). So that’s £8,700- £1,230- £90 – £355 (= £7,025). So, about £900 tax, right? The final page said tax due: £2,600+ ! What the very hell? Time to get an accountant. So all that hassle filling in the form was a waste of time. Other than that I no longer begrudge paying an accountant. And it made me collect all the relevant data the accountant needed. It may have been that that was my total tax liability for the year, from which the £1k I’d already paid would have been deducted. I wasn’t about to press ‘submit’ to find out. Anyway, there’s not a whole lot of point in submitting a tax claim that’s wrong. Might as well not declare it all. So today I coughed up £255 for an accountant (which is tax deductible!) and he’s on the case now. He’s already picked up on nights out, meals, and using my home as an office. Because I fill in my timesheets here and email them to the agency, obviously. He thinks the £2k thing was the total, so probably about a grand owed. Not to worry if I can’t get it in by the end of month deadline though, he said they only charge 3% annual interest on outstanding debts which, he worked out of the top of his head, for a grand for a month is about £2.50. That impressed me. So, allotment, visa, tax, all in hand. The only things left are getting out of the TA and MOT-ing and taxing my car. I’ve already re-bagged all my kit. I just need to arrange for the free pick up, get billed for whatever items are missing, then hand in my resignation form. (Whatever it’s called.) I think I’ll go through it again […]
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I’ve been putting things off, and putting them off some more. The longer I’ve left them the bigger and scarier they’ve grown in my mind. Tonight, my last day off before I return to regular work, I’ve taken the plunge. The allotment paperwork was so simple it only took me 5 minutes, I truly don’t know what the fuss was with that. I’ll nip over in the morning and clear out my apple tree, fruit bushes and asparagus. Hand my key in and that’s it, job done. This emboldened me to start on another one that I’ve been panicking over and trying to avoid; my Canadian visa application. I got stuck in while I was on a roll and an hour or two later I’ve got that done! I can post the allotment and visa application in the morning. Thinking about it, if I get an early start I can clear out my allotment and return the key in the same envelope. Plan. Now all I have left to do is return my kit to the T.A. and the small matter of finding an accountant, getting them to tell me my tax bill for last year and paying it by the end of the month. Oh, and MOT-ing the car by the end of the month as well. The money tree in the back garden is going to get well and truly thrashed. Wendy thinks it will probably be about a £4,000 tax bill. Though being a debt advisor she does tend to think the worst. I told her not to worry as I’d got us a loan from Wonga. That was funny. I popped out for a 9 mile run to Lisa’s (my sister) house today. I’d looked on Google maps and there seemed to be a way around Victoria park and along the Mersey right up to Brooke Avenue, which is just off her street. Obviously I got lost. The way I did it turned it into a 10.4 mile run. Through slutch and a biting wind. Hard to run when your feet are sliding everywhere in the mud. Probably wasn’t the brightest of ideas, running along the park in the middle of the 2012- eternity monsoon. I’ve had a falling out with my training plan. One week it’s run 5 miles in 30 minutes (still not done that!) then it’s 15 miles in under 2 hours (did that even though I was done-in) then it’s 6.2 miles in 39 minutes. It’s just not working for me. Apparently I need to have a 6 m/m pace for at least 13 miles for the sub 3 hour marathon. This means I have to have the speed for 6 m/m and the stamina to keep it going. My plan is simple; lot’s of 10 mile runs (or above) outside in the real world with at least one run a week dedicated to hills, and a progressive indoor speed plan. I’ve managed to run 3 miles in 18 […]
Continue readingMerry xmas.
It’s that most wonderful time of the year. When I get several days off work. And, to steal someone’s tweet, “Let’s not forget what today is really all about. A (selfless) man who helps strangers. A man who died and came back to life. HAPPY DOCTOR WHO DAY!” That’s enough of the seasonal crap. Last week I started back at Wing Chun Kung Fu. To no-one’s surprise I’d forgotten the little I’d picked up last time. It was several years ago and I didn’t go for long. Plus the training structure was different. This is a class of (with me) 8 students! It only started 3 months ago so there are no grades, and no split class teaching. I can soon pick up 3 months worth. I was going for about 6 months or so last time. I don’t know if they are as real world as Sifu Tong’s class, but on the other hand it’s about learning the basics first. There was some issue with the leisure centre, apparently the class was arranged as an internal one for a specific works. Quick-fit, or someone. Sifu Leckey settled their hash for the first lesson and said he would sort it for the future. I hope he does. That is ideal. A starter class of 8 pupils. That’s practically personal tuition! As usual I got all over excited and started trawling You Tube when I got back for videos. I came across this one with a guy doing combat press-ups. A standard press-up is when you put your hands palm down, fingers facing forward, by your shoulders and lift your (straight) body up. These were press-up on the knuckles of your fists, with the line of the knuckles running down beside your body, not across. He lifted up half way then pushed off so he actually cleared the ground, then landed on outstretched arms on his knuckles, then sank down to start position. The theory being that if you have your hands flat, fingers forward, your elbows stick out and you lose power. The way he was doing it was building the actual punching muscles, training for the quick flick of power, and toughening the knuckles. I thought I’d start at 50 and 50 sit ups. I was modest in my aim. No pushing off the ground, just push-ups in the punching position. As it turned out it was sets of 20, 20, 10. Even that was bloody hard work. Then I woke up the next day with my upper body moving like Robocop. Holy crap! I managed to do the sets again, but the next day I was near crippled. The weird thing is, it totally ruined me for running! That just doesn’t make sense. The triathlon magazines always say to keep your shoulders loose when running as otherwise you are wasting energy. I’ve tried to do what they say, but I never really thought it made that much of a difference. Now I’m a total believer. I couldn’t […]
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