Category: Uncategorized

  • Excuses, not results.

    After my upbeat last post, it all went horribly wrong again. I started feeling weak again. I did some runs but I couldn’t maintain any sort of pace and it was so, so hard just to keep going. I endured it for a week, I did 3 runs, then decided I’d had enough. I wondered…

  • All Coming Up Roses.

    My last blog was all poorliness and bikes. I hit my nadir on Sunday morning when I had to admit defeat and not do the Manchester marathon. I hadn’t done any training at all for 3 weeks and I was still feeling weak. It started to clear on Sunday afternoon. Obviously. I went for a…

  • Bikes and poorliness.

    That’s about all that’s going on right now. Luke was dying with a beastly cold that laid him up for weeks. He was bored of being ill at home so came around and gave it to Wendy and me. Which is nice. Wendy’s been off work for nearly two weeks with it. She’s gone back…

  • Fail. So much fail.

    I did that 20 mile run last weekend. That was quite good. In the teeth of the gales that were battering us I went out and tried to run 20 miles at a good pace. I wanted 7.30, but the wind was atrocious, so I settled for keeping it under 8 m/m. So that was…

  • Anus Horrible-plus

    I know. I know. My week has been a nightmare for my training and just in general.  Sunday was an 11 hour shift, I weakened and called it a rest day. Didn’t train. Monday I had nightmare. Supposed to be a 7 hour shift, at the last minute they changed my second drop to Didcot,…