I’ve had a few minor developments.
The back brake binding issue was just the anti-chatter spring thing fouling. Since I’ve taken it off all is well. My new spring arrived today. I’ve bought some specialist grease as well, so when I strip the calliper to fit it I’ll give it another clean and a grease.
I was having issues with the ugly bar muffs. They worked great on bikes with a fairing, but on my naked bike they were being forced onto my handlebar levers by the wind pressure.That was not good. I adjusted them as best I could, as they do work great at stopping your hands from freezing.
Then I was riding to work, I pulled off the motorway on to the slip road and the bike totally died. I was left freewheeling with nothing. Luckily it was stupid o’clock on a Saturday morning so there was nothing behind me. I was fumbling about in the muffs trying to pull the clutch in and hit the start button. Still nothing.
I pulled on to the pavement and had a look. The bar muffs had knocked the kill switch, which cuts all the electrics to the engine. I wasn’t best pleased, but at least my new bike hadn’t died. I put it back on and set off. A mile later it did the same thing. The bar muffs came off before I rode home. Enough is enough. I’m not getting killed by a killed switch. It would be too ironic. That might sound melodramatic, it only turned my engine off, but if I’d have been in the outside lane of the motorway at the time, or accelerating out of a dangerous situation, it could have got very messy, very quickly.
On the bright side, the bike looks loads better for it. The sun was out today for the first time in forever, and it wasn’t raining, so I took the opportunity to wash the road muck off and take some pictures.
I have been struggling with the wind blast on the motorway. I know, that’s why I got a naked, to slow me down, but I still want to be quite nippy. Also I don’t like the riding position with the high handlebars for cornering.
The solution to both is simple; a new set of handlebars.
You can spend an absolute fortune getting a single headlight conversion and clip-on handlebars ($500- $1000 just for the headlight kit- that you need before you can fit the clip-on handlebars-.)
It is the best look
But I’ve done this before, thought “it doesn’t matter how much it costs, it’s my forever bike so it will be worth it in the long run”, then a year later wanted a change and took a kicking on the price.
As Wendy said, “Buy the bike you want. Don’t buy it and convert it into a different bike.”
There is a workable compromise though. Clubman/ Ace bars. You don’t have to modify the bike in any way, you just take the standard handlebars off (and keep them for refitting if you decide to sell) and stick in the new handlebars.
Like this
As you can see, it’s not the full-on look of clip-on handlebars, or quite the drop, but it’s a cheap and easy way to lower the riding position. It will let me feel more confident to throw it into corners, and let me lie over the tank at motorway speeds.
Then it will be the full package.
I’m still struggling with the top box dilemma.
Do I get the other tail tidy and fit the top box to make it practical for everyday use, or keep it pretty?
Looking at it, it’s not *that* bad.
OK, get over my superficial self.
Right, that’s the way to go.
On the bright side, this Triumph seems to be faultless. I’ve put 2 weeks and about 3 hundred miles on it, and it’s not missed a beat. Splendid.