The world is reeling from the bin fire that is the ongoing debacle of President Musk’s AmeriKKKa and social media is just one long doomscroll, so I’ve decided to try to not get dragged into foreign politics, about which I can do nothing, and concentrate on the good things. As I said on the socials, it’s not that I don’t care, consider my pearls clutched, it’s just that I don’t want to drown in impotent despair.
So, good things:
I think I’m finally free of the enervation of the covids. That was pretty bad for quite a long time. I was running scared of triggering it again. I just couldn’t face it. So that is excellent.
I’ve regained my running mojo. That was MIA for a long time, even before the plague stopped me from running. I’ve been back to running for 3 weeks now and it’s not a chore, it’s something I want to do. Up until 3 weeks ago I had done 2 runs at the beginning of December and nothing for 6 weeks. Yesterday I did a 20 mile run and kept it under 8.30 m/m average pace. Only by 9 seconds, but I did it. I was a bit disappointed in myself that I couldn’t keep it at 8.10, but then the other runners on Bluesky said they were impressed with my pace and distance, so I had to get over myself. If you slag off your own achievements, however sincerely, you risk insulting those who are currently achieving less. It’s something I really have to remember. Talking of learned responses, in conversation last week Wendy last week casually threw in that she’d said to another BPD person “but you’ve got empathy”. Which is to say, I do not. She didn’t mean any harm by it, and thought I knew. I knew I didn’t care, I hadn’t realised it was because I had no empathy. She’s right, of course, now I review it. I recently offered to give someone a lift home on the day their dad had died and it wasn’t until Wendy said that I realised they would be upset. It’s better that I know, but it was a bit of a bombshell. That’s proper sociopath stuff. Not good.
I digress, good things.
Tomorrow I start my 12 week Advanced Marathoning plan. 8 miles general aerobic then 10x 100m strides. It’s a tough plan, but, if you don’t break, it’s effective.
Predictably there’s been bike drama and stress. I’ve still not finished the last job on the Harley yet, but I’ve been window shopping bikes. Apparently this is the time of year for bargains, after xmas, when the credit card bill comes in. Anyway, even if I wasn’t buying I love looking. Which invariably leads to me buying. *sigh*
I’ve seen a 1979 Honda CB550/Four, running but needs the carbs sorting by the sound of it, looks to be in really good condition, advertised for £1,500! I offered £1,400 and he’s accepted. I’m picking it up on Sunday!

I had a CB750/Four and a CB550/Four when I was a kid and treated them with contempt and run them into the ground. This is my chance to make amends. I’ll get it sorted, ride it for a bit, then decide if I’m keeping it or the VFR750. Nostalgia aside the VFR is a better bike. But the CB550/Four is a classic. We’ll see. Good times, anyway. Then I need to get some help for my bike addiction.