Finally Back To It.

I’ve reviewed my running statistics and until the 16th of January I’d done 37 runs in seven and a half months. Two runs since the start of December. I was slack, then I lost my mojo, then got covid, then I was scared of triggering long covid for a while. Very poor.

Anyway, on the 16th I started back running. First week I started sensibly. 5 miles, 5 miles, 10k, then a bit much with a Half. The next week I did an 8, a 6 into storm winds that near killed me, then a 16 mile long run. I felt weak the day after both long runs. I don’t know if that’s because I’m dieting or if I’m triggering the long covid weakness, or a bit of both. It’s not been great but it’s not terrible either, so I’m good to train. I worked out it’s 12 weeks on Sunday until the Blackpool marathon so I dug out my Advanced Marathoning book for the 12 week plan. The plan is structured, with different runs at different paces, all a percentage of my Lactate Threshold. To ascertain that I had to try and do a flat out 10 miles. I did it today. I had no idea what pace I should be aiming for so I just legged it for the first mile, which was a not too shabby 7.03, but I just couldn’t hold that pace. I did well to finish the distance without quitting. I came in at 7.26 m/m average. I could have probably shaved a few seconds off that per mile if I hadn’t gone out too fast, but I had no way of knowing.

My best LT was a 6.42 m/m pace, so after over half a year of hardly running at all that is surprisingly not terrible.

Now I can set my zones and crack on with the training plan next week.

Also in running I scored a bargain this week. My music earpieces were a bit cheapo. Bluetooth, but the balance is way off, the left is whispering while the right is too loud. I finally bit the bullet and bought the posh Shokz ones that all the cool kids have. They were bloody steep. £119 for the basic set or £179 for the bells and whistles, tons of bass, Tory ones. I got the basic ones. £119 is a ridiculous amount. I ordered them from Amazon, as it was the same price as the Shokz site and next day delivery. While I was waiting for the delivery I went back to the Shokz website to get a screenshot to post to social media. They suddenly reduced them. £94 for standard, £127 for Tory. With a 10% first purchase discount (only available on the dear ones) I got the £179 earpieces for £116! I returned the Amazon ones for a refund. Still a lot, but a bargain that I got the Tory ones for less than I’d paid for the standard the day before.

And the sound is brilliant. The sound difference is amazing. It sounds like they are making up bass. That wasn’t there on the my other earpieces.

I’ve still not started on the final job on the Harley. I keep putting it off. Because I’m scared it’s never going to work, I think. I’ll have another go this weekend, maybe next week, then if I still can’t do it, try and get it into a garage. I just want to ride it now, I’m sick of messing about with it. Also it will stop me getting tempted by new bikes.

