Author: Buck
To cheer myself up I’ve been down my allotment today. It is something positive to be thinking about. It’s gone from this: to this: Mine is the plot edged by the mine tape to the left (of the bottom picture) and the sticks and unturned earth to the right. At the top of the plot…
More moving goalposts!
I had a run worked out on ‘Gmaps pedometer’ (a site that lets you plot your exact route, allowing you to zoom in and click it turn by turn if you are following a path or otherwise not on a road.) The same route I was running before I buggered my knee. It worked out…
Buck the truck?
Woo-hoo! Finally a development! Obviously not with my works, who are the biggest bunch of knobs in the history of ever. Our Robyn (my niece) said to apply to Jack Richards (hauliers) for some weekend work last year. At the time she was dating the son of one of the transport managers, so believed he…
Distance riding.
I seized the moment today and set out to try to do a full length ride. To set the scene; my previous longest ride was 56 miles, which I did twice. Both times nearly killed me. They say when you are comfortable with a distance increase it by no more than ten per cent. I…
Old things, new ways.
I’m back to plotting my gardening again, this time on an industrial scale. Jo has pointed out an allotment website. A good job too. The first thing I was planning on doing was rotorvating the whole plot. Apparently this is very bad. You chop up all the roots of the nasty bugger weeds and make…