Category: Uncategorized

  • T-35

    Eek! 35 days until the Outlaw triathlon! My training hasn’t really recovered from that 6 weeks of lurgy. I’m back up to marathon distance with my runs, I’ve done a few decent rides of 60 – 70 miles but no 100 milers, and my swim is still rubbish, done about 1½ miles. On the positives,…

  • Training Break

    I saw a picture a while back, under “Britain’s Best Cycling Routes”, somewhere up in the wilds of Scotland. It’s supposed to be the UK’s toughest ascent, and just look at the roads! Empty, sweeping, awesome. Sadly it’s in the middle of nowhere, the holiday accommodation I could find was either fully booked or rich…

  • There is no Tri?

    Just reviewing. I did a blog on the 4th of May, saying I was finally clear of that evil bug. I’d made several false starts at training, only to be too weak to continue. Since then I’ve done a bunch of rides on the Sufferfest, but on the easier setting, to get my fitness back.…

  • Change and about.

    It’s been a strange time. Work are introducing spy cameras into the trucks, against the express wish of every driver there. I got into a principled huff and have been looking for other jobs. I applied online to Royal Mail, Chorley, but didn’t make it past their online personality test thing. Then I saw two…

  • Finally!

    I don’t want to speak too soon, I’ve made several false starts recently, but I think I’m finally free of that bug. It’s taken forever. For the last 3 weeks I’ve thought I was over it, gone out for a few training sessions, then felt as weak as a Southerners cup of tea. It’s been…