Author: Buck

  • Not Waving…

    Finally got to my first swim lesson with the proper coach tonight. Martin, Wendy’s workmate, (who has been going for a while) said the coach will ask your goal, assess your swim, then be brutally frank about your chances of achieving it. Martin has heard him tell people they just don’t have enough years left…

  • Warrington Half

    Just some stats for future reference. I did the Warrington half marathon today. I didn’t think I was going to be able to, but managed to get a shift swap at work. It was a good run for me. I managed to batter my previous personal best (from 2012 when I was a young and…

  • Where The Iron Crosses Grow.

    The title is a reference from a not very good war film. A cowardly German officer is jealous of his sergeant’s Iron Cross. At the end of the film the sergeant runs into the fight saying to the officer “Come with me and I’ll show you where the Iron Crosses grow.” Or words to that…

  • Dumbarse.

    After all my big talk about managing the pain of running with no socks and the getting bad blisters, it turns out recovering from them is vastly worse. They went from scratched-looking to red raw open wounds. It’s been 6 days and they are still raw. I’ve been washing them in salt water, pouring raw…

  • Bike!

    They say that 60% of your tri training should be on the bike as that’s where you are going to be spending the majority of your race. I’ve been putting it off as it’s horrible and boring. I finally bit the bullet, cleaned out the shed and set up the bike on the torture device/…